School Council Members |
Shauntogris Johnson
Assistant Principal/School Council Secretary
Dr. Ailia Gilbert
School Council President/PTO President
Charnese Fountain
School Council Vice Chairperson
D. Goodman and M. Anderson
Annette Steele & Shirelle Jefferson-Graves
SES Parent Liaison
Shirelle Jefferson-Graves
Business Partner
Muddessar Ahmad
Support Organization
Roles and Responsibilities of School Council Members
- Maintain a school-wide perspective on issues
- Regularly participate in council meetings
- Participate in information and training programs
- Act as a link between he school council and the community
- Encourage the participation of parents and others within the school community
- Work to improve student achievement and performance
- Commit to two-year term
Purpose of the School Council:
To improve communication & participation of parents & the community in the management & operation of the school.
- • To bring communities & schools closer together in a spirit of cooperation.
• To solve difficult education problems.
• To improve academic achievement.
• To provide support for teachers & administrators.
• To bring parents into the school-based decision-making process.
• To assist the local board of education in developing & nurturing participation.
• To bring parents and the community together with teachers & administrators to create a better understanding of a mutual respect for each other’s concerns.
• To share ideas for school improvement